Atheist to the Christian
Author Adrian Ebens
Published Aug 05, 2018
Written Aug 05, 2018
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Deep inside every one of us is the desire for peace, tranquillity and the assurance of being loved. How can the human race move closer to this ideal? With all our advances in technology our world is moving deeper and deeper into violence and selfishness.

The life of Christ who walked the earth 2000 years ago offers for us a model of selfless love that has brought peace to countless millions. For many people this beautiful model of living is subdued and even destroyed by many of the stories recorded in the pages of the Bible detailing the interactions of God with men through human history.

God at times appears to be extremely violent and genocidal commanding not only the death of enemy soldiers but also their infant children. It expresses with frightening regularity that He is angry and filled with fury. Beyond this the death of the cross is for many tainted with the thought that God demands death for those who transgress Him.

These views of God are prominent in most of the world’s religions including atheism, whose more recent rise to prominence in the French revolution was paved through slaughter of many thousands of people.

For those who have interest in the Word of God, the disparity between the descriptions of God in the Bible and the life of Christ have made some of the claims of Christ very hard to resolve. Yet in a poignant moment in talking to one of his followers Jesus said, “If you have seen me you have seen the Father.”

How could this be possible? Could it be true that God is truly merciful, gracious and kind as revealed in the life of Jesus? At the very heart of the Law of God is the commandment that states “you shall not kill.” Is this a reflection of the character of God, or is it a case of certain rules for lower order of beings and a completely different set of rules for those in power? What kind of effect does this have on leaders who would pattern themselves on such a model? Would it produce leaders that act the same way once in power?

In this volume is found the culmination of a sixteen year search for light on these questions. The journey began when I was reminiscing about the birth of my first son. I thought on the moment I first held him in my arms and the deep sense of love I felt for him. To have a taste of such divine emotions brought me into an encounter with God that impressed upon me the thought that the feelings I had for my son were an expression of God’s love for His Son and consequently His earth born children.

The journey has been long and at times exhausting. The Bible has on occasion seemed to make it impossible to reconcile the apparent contradictions it presented before me.

I share with you here the conclusion of this research. Through it I have been led to several countries to meet with other searchers on this same quest, and what a blessing it has been for all of us.

I testify to you that God is indeed love. He is not a person of violence. He is not intimidating us with the threat of roasting His wayward children in hell for eternity as millions believe.

I realise that many are not convinced but I simply invite you to take this journey and see for yourself and discover the fact that God is love.